5 Tips To Personalise Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Onyinye Umeh
5 min readAug 26, 2020

In a bid to cushion the effect of the pandemic and to avoid a total shutdown a lot of businesses have amplified their digital marketing efforts. This is a totally wise step to take, however, since the digital space is saturated it is important that your digital marketing strategy cuts through the noise and gets your business where it needs to be.

Your business needs to be accessible to your target audience when they need it, where they need it, and at the right time. To do this personalising their experience when it comes to your business becomes important. Personalisation ensures that marketing experience is tailored to individual customers and this will set you apart from your competitors and help your customers connect emotionally with your brand and have meaningful interactions that will lead to profitable conversion.

To personalise your digital marketing strategy you need to take into consideration the needs and preferences of your customers so that at all times you are marketing the right product or service to the right customer at the right time. This will go a long way to show your customers that they are understood, valued, and appreciated.

Personalising your digital marketing is not a particularly difficult task to achieve and to help you get started, I have put together 5 tips that will help you get started.

  1. You Need All The Data You Can Get

Relevant information about your customer is essential to tailor your digital marketing effort to them. Who are your customers? What do they do for a living?, Where are they and what does a typical day look like for them? What does their lifestyle look like and how does your product or service fit in that?

There is a lot of information available that you can learn about your customers from their interests, previous order(s), email sign up and the interactions you have with them from day to day. Use this information to your advantage. You can do this by sending them relevant information about the products that they are interested in and also predict what they will buy in the future based on their past orders.

When you do this you are identifying the unique pain point of your customer and recommending the exact solution that they need to them when they need it.

2. Know your customer aka create a buyer persona

I really hope you listened to my first tip and used it, if you did then you will realise that there is probably too much data than you can make sense of and do not know how to use and you will agree with me that having all the data you can possibly gather about your customer will not make any difference if you do not know how to use.

Creating buying personas will help you simplify the data you have collected by grouping and segmenting your customers by age, occupation, and location and this will help you market to the different segments and groups based on their interest.

This tip is especially important for running email marketing campaigns as it ensures you are sending relevant information to the right audience, using the language and style that they will understand.

3. Create Persona Driven Content

Now you have all the information about your customer you need and you have a data-informed picture of what your customer looks like in real life you need to then address them like actual people. You are no longer guessing, you know who your customers are, you know their occupation and where they live, you understand their lifestyle and you know where your business fits in that; that confidence should show in your content.

Persona driven content is customized to address the pain point of a specific segment or group of your customer base and prospect. Reaching these groups of people opens opportunities to reach others.

In digital marketing, focus is important. It is only in reaching a select group of people (ideally your target audience) that others are influenced to join the train.

Creating persona-driven content will help you tailor your message to the right audience.

4. Personalise Customers Website Experience

Digital customers because they have curated news feeds and social media timeline that is curated based on their interest and following now expect to have the same kind of experience when they are shopping online.

So rather than presenting customers with a single broad experience you should tailor your business website to individual customers showing them and recommending to them products based on their interest and previous purchase. Again if you listened to my first tip this should not be a problem because you already have all you need to give your customers they expect when they are on your website.

5. Do Not Ignore Customer Service Experience

I know there are customer service automation software available to resolve customer queries instantly but try as much as they can this software cannot replace the human interaction. Humans like to talk to humans and in digital marketing, you need to make provisions for that. Know when automation software no longer gets the job done.

Humanize customer interaction and allow the conversation flow naturally while respecting already established boundaries.

In 2020, if you are still deploying a blanket digital marketing strategy you are doing it wrong and chances are you are attracting into your sales funnel a lot of people who will leave as quickly as they got in or you are repelling prospective customers with a lot of unnecessary messaging that they have no use for and so they move on. I hope that with these tips I have shared you will be able to revise your marketing strategy and turn things around for your business.

